Practicing the Path

Posts tagged ‘Delusion’

Down at the Bubble and Fluff

ImageIn the middle of the night my dogs were startled. They were sleeping on the bed when it happened; the older one tinkled all over the covers.

 The room smelled like an abandoned kennel.

I was so tired, I went back to sleep in the stench. This morning, bright and early, I stripped the bed and headed to the Bubble and Fluff, a nearby laundromat, to run the heavy bedspread through their high-capacity machines.

The Bubble and Fluff was clean and well lighted. People there were pleasantly attending to their wash while tending children, reading the morning paper, and taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi. I settled in with a dharma book but was quickly distracted by a thought.

If these machines could get the foul smell out of my bedspread, just imagine how much a really, really, REALLY big machine could clean!

I tend to live at the “Piss and Moan” a lot of the time, a result of my constant attachment to mistaken beliefs and delusional thinking.

 If, as an aspiring Bodhisattva, I could create and make use of a really big (maha–again) machine, bigger than the Bubble and Fluff offers, then maybe I could clean the obscurations hiding inherent Buddha nature off myself and lots of sentient beings at the same time. 

 The Mahayana Path offers me just such a big machine.

I am MAHA grateful!